Graf Tolstoy Leo

The Light Shines in Darkness

Book Excerpt: ...else, why are you a priest, and why do you wear long hair and a cassock?PRIEST. But we are not asked ...ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. Not asked, indeed! Why, I am asking you! He told me yesterday that the Gospels say, "Give to him that asketh of thee." But then in what sense is that meant?PRIEST. In its plain sense, I suppose.ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. And I think not in the plain sense; we have always been taught that everybody's position is appointed by God.PRIEST. Of course, but yet ...ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. Oh, yes. It's just as I was told; you take his side, and that is wrong! I say so straight out. If some young school teacher, or some young lad, lickspittles to him, it's bad enough--but you, in your position, should remember the responsibility that rests on you.PRIEST. I try to ...ALEXÁNDRA IVÁNOVNA. What sort of religion is it, when he does not go to church, and does not believe in the sClose...